Sunday, 3 August 2008


No. Fuck off.

Seriously. If you were deemed interesting enough for me to actually comment upon your photo's, I would do so of my own free will. Asking me to is not only tragic and fucking annoying, it also makes me less inclined to do so. So much less inclined to do so, in fact, that I decided to spend a much greater period of time ranting into a blog that nobody will read.

Seriously, though: You are a fucking idiot. Stop posting these bulletins. We don't care. I'm not commenting on your photo. In fact, I can't remember the last time I commented on a photo. More importantly, I don't care.

Mind you, I find it slightly more infuriating that people will only ever comment on the promise of a return comment. Honestly: Are you that fucking sad? If you had something worthwhile to say about a fucking photo, say it! And if you don't, then I guess you'll have to do without that precious comment. Because you wouldn't ever post some inane drivel, would you?

Yes. Of course you fucking would. You're a fucking idiot, just like your friend asking for comments.

So, we have legions of mindless idiots posting the same "Beautiful" "Stunning" "Gorgeous" comments over and over and over a-fucking-gain.

Honestly. Read a fucking thesaurus. Please. If you must insist on posting this crap, at least post it in a slightly different manner to the past threefuckinghundred dickheads. Learn some correct grammar while you're there too, although that would be nothing short of a miracle, so I shall just remain in hope on that particular subject.

Why do you care? Why are you asking for these comments? Does everybody elses' opinion really matter? Are you so desperate to appear popular that you'll resort to something just short of begging?

That's rather inane, by any one's standards.

In fact, I expect people not to care about this blog post. Carry on posting your stupid requests for feeble comments, at least that will show you don't care about one person.

Still, you're a fucking idiot for those posts in the first place.

1 comment:

gypsy23 said...

i read your blogs....
Also you're right, ppl who ask pc4pc are incredibly insecure they need empty compliments to keep them together.

