The next big problem is that I never want to write a blog post that doesn't have a point. I don't mind going off on tangents and covering several points, but there tends to always be an underlying point, whether it was anger at the distinct lack of originality in the current music scene or just the way popular culture has declined into a constant barrage of images of people who, to me, look perfectly normal but are apparently both fat and unhip. Hip is probably not a term that gets used that often anymore, so it just goes to show how far out of date I am with this fashionable lingo nonsense, but then I'm hardly one to give a toss now, am I?
Luckily for you, today there was a few things that have actually piqued my interest and I actually feel like I want to discuss and share some possibly slightly different viewpoints with you. Now, bear in mind that I may or may not believe in this views. I'm always one to play the Devil's Advocate because people do need to see things from a different angle before they can accept the opinion that they have as right. There are a few exceptions, of course, in terms of hate and discrimination, but in the vast majority of cases taking an alternative viewpoint to something may just go to reinforce your beliefs.
We've all seen adverts for charities on TV recently, I would assume? Or just in the general media - I know for a fact that I've seen several today on facebook and would imagine that you have too. It's just a subject that really intrigues me. I currently am unable to give money to all the causes I desire, due to the lack of employment. I do not donate like I used to, when I was working I'd give as much as I could, whilst still living the life I enjoy, with all the drinking and gaming that entails (which is a discussion for later.)
However, there are a few people with the opinion that they don't give money to any charities because they can't give to ALL of them. Which, I think you'll agree, is basically a fucking joke. I accept that you can't give to all the charities you deem worthy. That would be ridiculous. But why must all suffer because of that close minded attitude? It's not really a reason not to give, it's just a reason to justify to yourself why you don't. Which, I suppose in a way, is fine, but don't pretend that you're attempting to be a generous person.
One of my friends is also insisting that people in highly paid professions give up a percentage of their wages to give to various charities as well. Which is again an amazing concept that would benefit so many people that it is unreal. But I have to ask, is my friend willing to give up a percentage of HIS wage to these charities? Because if everybody did this, then it would benefit even more people. But, of course, he's not. He also gets angry when I label him a hypocrite because of this. You simply cannot expect people to do something that you would not willingly do yourself. I know that the difference in wages that he and these high earners receive is great, but there's just no justification in what he's saying. Or there might be. Like I said, Devil's Advocate.
Needless to say, his opinion has not changed and he probably thinks less of me simply because I happened to question what he thinks. But that's the problem with things these days, everyone is far too willing to accept. Even amongst the more politically minded people, most are set in their ways and will not attempt to look at things from a slightly different angle. But then, I suppose this is what makes all these greatly passionate people as fantastic as they all are.
I'll just leave that with you to think about.
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