Monday, 15 March 2010

What do you say to taking chances?

What do you say to jumping off the edge?

Yeah, you can stop your fucking worrying. This is none of that sentimental tripe that I've been shovelling out the past few days. I was just listening to the Glee soundtrack - that fact will not come as a shock to many of you - and it led me to thinking about taking chances and suchlike.

I consider myself a bit of a chancer. I like to give things a go, take a risk, go out on a limb and many other kinds of analogy as well. This started off a long time ago, when I regretted something. I don't know if you've ever regretted something, but it's awful. I don't mean the standard "I wish I'd gone out tonight" or suchlike, I mean real regret. Stuff that digs into your mind for days, weeks and months on end.

I have and while I won't go into it as this is a positive post and not a sitting around moping like a whiny little bitch post, but needless to say it impacted greatly on my life.

I left a job I enjoyed that paid well - fucking well, in fact - to pursue a career in QA testing. Yes, it leaves me unemployed for stretches at a time, but how many of you have worked 100 hour weeks and loved it so much that you could've done more? Not many, I'd guess. That's why I still do it. Gaming is a passion and if I can get paid alright money to sit there and do it, to make things better, I will. That was in 2007 and I've never looked back. What if I'd never accepted that first job? What if I'd never left the well paid job for a less well paid one that I had a suspicion I'd enjoy more - I didn't know, as it's an extremely tedious job in the eyes of people who've seen it. Would I be kicking my ass right now? No, probably not, because that requires a defying of the laws of physics I am yet to master. But when I do...

My point is that you should stop asking "Why?" and start asking "Why not?"

What is the real worst that could happen? Apart from the beating I've taken over the past few days this view has worked out well for me.

I crack a few jokes, people tell me I should try stand up, I write an act and get on with it. Why not?

I enjoy musicals and I enjoy writing music and stories. Why not try writing a musical? I am.

You'd think that myself being unfunny and not that musically talented would make me think twice about such things, but then you'd also think a pacifist munchkin such as myself would learn some self restraint in who I am calling varying levels of profanity as well (That's all of you, by the way.) If I don't try, I'll never know. I could write the next Rent for all I know, or you could have, if you weren't so mired in what you can and can't do.

You can literally do whatever you want. Don't let things like your mind stop you. Because it's wrong. Just get on with it. Deal with the consequences. Because consequences are so much better than regrets, I can assure you.

Apologies for the lack of jokes and funnies in this blog post, but it's just something I've been thinking about and that I think you should too. You only live once. Unless you're a Buddhist, in case you never even really live once because you're far too busy doing nice things for others instead of enjoying yourselves. But whatever gets you through your day.

Peace x

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