Saturday 13 March 2010

Right then

Now we've got all that hyper-emotional bullshit out of the way, we can go back to the typical angry ranting out of the way, safe in the knowledge that I don't have either a heart or soul remaining.


I've been out all day, so currently I haven't really become too angry. Apart from that advert. If someone starting singing along with me while I was playing, I'd be both concerned and angry. Just, talk to people. Go on, try it. I bet it works. Similar interests breed contempt and boredom. Differing views give you something to talk about.

But you know what else? Figure these fucking things out for yourself, not because they answered a few questions and wrote a few lists. It hardly has the same impact. I bet you'd pass over half the people you'd get on with because of those lists. GO OUTSIDE PEOPLE.

In other news, there has been very important developments in cloning.

Not really, I just thought this would be a nice opening to a go fuck yourself line.

The train is dark. People are complaining as some of the carriage lights are broken. Might I suggest that they fucking go sit somewhere else? Just a thought. It's a big train. I'm sure you find a seat. Or two if you can't stand human contact like myself.

People frustrate me. This is why I frustrate people. It's a fair trade. The human race betters itself and I shut up. Job done.

Just also like to give my thanks to Sof, Sarah and Wedge for yesterday. I was a fucking joke.

Those are the last kind words you'll hear from me.

Now get the fuck off my page.

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